
Summer is not a happy time any more

I love summer because of the birthdays of my grandfather and grandmother. They are not a couple. Grandfather is the father of my dad while grandmother the mother of my mom. The birthday of my grandmother is the first day of June. At that time we just finish a boring term and want to spoil ourselves in all kinds of games. My grandmother has a big famil--two old grands, twelve adults, and ten little children. On that day, we all come together to celebrate the birthday of my grandmother. She is a really nice old lady, and kind to us all. She cooks wonderful, and it will be an enjoyable thing to have dinner in her family. So the four years study in middle school in fact was a happy time, as I could come to her family for lunch everyday. She and I have a good relationship, sometimes we are like two friends, sometimes we are teacher and student, off course she is teacher. She taught me a lot about how to cook and how to make up. In the past I always dreamed to earn money to buy good things for her. What a pity. This time will never come, because four years ago, she has gone. When she died, I didn't know, as my family kept this news from me. In that summer when I got home, I wanted to visit her, but mom told me she had gone. I really could not accept this fact. I cried for several days. I missed her. And I miss her now!

The birtherday of my grandfather is the tenth day of June, very soon after the birthday of my grandmother. Now there are anther big families get together. Tell the truth, I like my grandmother's birthday more. However on the birthday of my grandfather I could meet my aunt. The deth of my grandfather is another fact that I could not accept. On the summer of 2006, it should be a wonderful summer because of the world cup. But the deth of my grandfather bring it to an end. My grandfather was a healthy old man. However, his first son and his son's wife brought him something unbearable. So my grandfather began to be sick. Finally he lost his life. His first son and his wife don't admit they are the cause of grandfather's deth, but we all know including the people in my village. I miss him now!

Although we still have summer every year, we cannot have the happy time any more.
I miss that time...

A New Company!

This afternoon my bf told me a piece of good news that his new company will be opened very soon. What a piece of good news! Essentially I wanted him to have his company long ago. However, he told the time was not coming. Now, it should be the time he have been waiting for.

Here, although this company is not open now, I will hand it to the hands of Jesus. Dear our Father in heaven, You are our LORD at the beginning of life. You chose me and him to be Your girl and Your boy. You loved us first. We are both happy to be Your children. Father, You led me and Feng to be together. I know we did something wrong, but it is because of Your love as our love is from You. I know You can understand us. Father, please take care of Your girl and Your boy. Now Your boy is trying to open his company for You. Please do help him. His success will glorify You. To You all grace. Pray in the name of God, amen!!!


Growing Stories (一)

When I was a little girl, I always dreamed to be a growed-up person. And sometimes I would pretend to be an adult by wearing my mom's clothes and shoes. My families always made fun of me and said I was a little adult. I brought them much fun. However, when I really grow up, I begin to be afraid of growing up. I don't know how to describe my mood. It is really hard to say. To certain degree, the reason is that I don't want to be resposible for something. You know, adults always have these or those resposibilities, such as supporting family, and having a new family. I tried my hard to stay in a university, so that I can stop these resposibilities coming so soon.

About three months ago, I got to know my bf. He is a nice guy. Since then I began to think what is the most important thing to me--family or career? When I was alone, I would choose career without hesitation. However, when I am with him, I will intend to say it is family that I like most.

Now, there are two ways ahead of me. The first one is going abroad. The second one is stay in China. No-matter what way I will choose, I think it should be the best way for my family yet to come. My bf said it is better for us to be in USA. Although it is a little hard for me to do so, I will do my best. Now there is only 5 months most for me to finish all things. Heihei...

Father, You can help me do all those things! Thank You, amen!


Thank You, my LORD!

Dear my Father,

Thank You for Your leading of my life. Although in the past I would hate to be a girl, now I feel so happy. Although in the past I hate to have an old bf, now I feel so satisfied. He is a good man. He is now working so hard to earn money. I care him very much. How I wish You LORD led him to earn as much money as he could, so that we could do many things for You. Now we are two poor persons. We have too little money to have confidence to have a beautiful tomorrow, let alone the plan to help others. I know I am selfish, as I always put myself and my family before others. But I really want to have a good family, so that I could concentrate on what You want me to do. I want a house. I want a family. I want a place to stay whenever. Dear my Father, please help me to take care of him, and help him to do his business. You are our LORD. You can do everthing You can do.

Thank You LORD deeply.



A Good Starting

Yesterday afternoon, my bf told me that one friend of his introduced him to a foreigner who is in China for purchasing lots of socks. I know this friend is really good. He know my bf needs money. However, he doesn't lend money to my bf, but gives him a chance to earn money on his own.

Although I don't know how many socks the foreigner will purchase, it is, after all, the first trade of my bf. I think he will do his best.

Right now he told me that he has already met this foreigner, and now he is in Shaoxing to contact the sock factory. I cannot do anything to help him, but pray for him.

Father, please help him to successfully finish this trade, so that he will have great confidence to go on. Please take care of him!

Thank God! Pray in the name of God, Amen!


A Moving Story

Several days ago I went to Hangzhou for something for two days. On that night when I was about to leave, I was sufferring from the attack from a gang of little flies but mosquitoes. My two shranks were covered by many many itches. I could not bear them, scratch them and complain them all the time. My bf cared me, wanted to help me to be better, and went out for something medicine liquid. At that moment we were sitting along the Weat Lake. And it would be difficult to find out a drugstore. I waited for him about ten minutes while I was scratching itches. When I was anxious to go to train station, he went back with a little bottle in his hand. After my shranks were getting better. He told me that in order to find a drugstore, he was running all the time. To the west, he got the place we had dinner. It was about twenty minutes walk there. To the east, he reached the place where we hided from the storm. It was about thirty minutes walk there. To the north, he must got far. However, he only took ten minutes to run here and there. Although he ran a lot, no drugstore was found. Luckily, he remembered to ask for it from a waiter in a hotel, and got one.

We all know it is only a small thing. But we can see from it that he cares me very much. Not long before, an Aunt of a resterant told me that my bf was very good, and I should cherish him.

Maybe the old difference is big. Maybe he have many stories. I don't care. I only care he is happy with me. I only care he will be happy from now on. I care him.

Thank God! Amen!


Who Am I???

It has been so long a time that I lost the inclination to put down my mood. If friends ask me why, I would say that I was busy. However, it is not the fact! The truth is I lost myself in the past three months. Can you believe it or not?

This evening when I logged in my email account I havenot checked it for a long time, I found a new email--it is from Fan Yong, a classmate of mine. He said, this August I would fly to USA to study, and our classmates and he would not have time to say goodbye to me, so he emailed me and told me that he always take me as his example as I am a ready girl for knowledge, and a smart girl. Yes! I am a smart girl, I am a girl ready for knowledge! His words help me to find myself back.

In the past I wasted a lot of time to dawdle here and there, but I will not regret, because the past is past, it can not come back, and today is slidding away, tomorrow is coming.

Thank God for letting me read this email. Thank God for His leading. Thank Fan Yong.

Now Tingting Zhang is back!!!

"Some birds don’t mean to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright."
-----------The Shawshank Redemption