
Growing Stories (一)

When I was a little girl, I always dreamed to be a growed-up person. And sometimes I would pretend to be an adult by wearing my mom's clothes and shoes. My families always made fun of me and said I was a little adult. I brought them much fun. However, when I really grow up, I begin to be afraid of growing up. I don't know how to describe my mood. It is really hard to say. To certain degree, the reason is that I don't want to be resposible for something. You know, adults always have these or those resposibilities, such as supporting family, and having a new family. I tried my hard to stay in a university, so that I can stop these resposibilities coming so soon.

About three months ago, I got to know my bf. He is a nice guy. Since then I began to think what is the most important thing to me--family or career? When I was alone, I would choose career without hesitation. However, when I am with him, I will intend to say it is family that I like most.

Now, there are two ways ahead of me. The first one is going abroad. The second one is stay in China. No-matter what way I will choose, I think it should be the best way for my family yet to come. My bf said it is better for us to be in USA. Although it is a little hard for me to do so, I will do my best. Now there is only 5 months most for me to finish all things. Heihei...

Father, You can help me do all those things! Thank You, amen!
