
Who Am I???

It has been so long a time that I lost the inclination to put down my mood. If friends ask me why, I would say that I was busy. However, it is not the fact! The truth is I lost myself in the past three months. Can you believe it or not?

This evening when I logged in my email account I havenot checked it for a long time, I found a new email--it is from Fan Yong, a classmate of mine. He said, this August I would fly to USA to study, and our classmates and he would not have time to say goodbye to me, so he emailed me and told me that he always take me as his example as I am a ready girl for knowledge, and a smart girl. Yes! I am a smart girl, I am a girl ready for knowledge! His words help me to find myself back.

In the past I wasted a lot of time to dawdle here and there, but I will not regret, because the past is past, it can not come back, and today is slidding away, tomorrow is coming.

Thank God for letting me read this email. Thank God for His leading. Thank Fan Yong.

Now Tingting Zhang is back!!!

"Some birds don’t mean to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright."
-----------The Shawshank Redemption
