
A Good Starting

Yesterday afternoon, my bf told me that one friend of his introduced him to a foreigner who is in China for purchasing lots of socks. I know this friend is really good. He know my bf needs money. However, he doesn't lend money to my bf, but gives him a chance to earn money on his own.

Although I don't know how many socks the foreigner will purchase, it is, after all, the first trade of my bf. I think he will do his best.

Right now he told me that he has already met this foreigner, and now he is in Shaoxing to contact the sock factory. I cannot do anything to help him, but pray for him.

Father, please help him to successfully finish this trade, so that he will have great confidence to go on. Please take care of him!

Thank God! Pray in the name of God, Amen!

1 条评论:

Jianfeng.Wu 说...

Pray for your boyfriend. Good luck to him~~
Let me know your english name. James?