
The past is past...

In the past, I am a girl who is stubborn and paid little attention to others' advise. Although I did get something good for my persistence, I paid much for it too. I don't know what's wrong with me. I thought I was mature enough to judge something, but my old brothers always told me to follow their words. The facts also showed me that I did great wrongly when I faced those two things--the first one is about study; the other one is about boyfriend. In fact, I don't want to confess that I was wrong. I just want to say that I am different. I hate to be same with others, and I want to be myself. This thought, however, brought me many unpredictable bad things. I am confusing now. Should I persist now, or should I give up my ground and just to act as a puppet? I hate sighing, but I do it a lot now.

God, my Father, You are over me, watching me, and weeping for me. You tell me what to do next. You are my God. You created the world and know everything in this world, so it is easy for You to supervise my life. My Father, You help me!

At last, I want to give myself several words: "The past is past, but tomorrow is still in my hands."

Thank God!

1 条评论:

Jianfeng.Wu 说...

yeah. it's a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystry, today is a gift. so that's why it is called "present".